Parents: A Lifelong Coach
Amit Kumar Trivedi
Excellence For All, Excellence From All – this motto of Lucknow Public School effectively sums up the mission on which Dr. S P Singh embarked almost four decades ago. This Lucknow Public School is already an established name in the field of quality education. Rome was not built in a day just as this chain of schools. The fire in the belly that drives him even today helped actualize his vision of spreading quality education far and wide.
“Roha its getting dark now. Come inside “ When was the last time you called your child from your door as he/she played with friends outside? Most of the answers will be heart-breaking, we are sure. Gone are the hazy days when kids could run free all day and play. Urbanization has had many implications for childhood play but at the core humans are still 'hunter-gatherers' and need to seek out knowledge of 'being social' through experience and discovery. Through play "children develop an emergent sense of competence feelings of 'belonging', 'usefulness', and subsequent well-being." When deprived of play, children lack social connectivity and have less 'mental wellness'. Is lack of play contributing to a dysfunctional society? Somewhere down the years, as technology started taking over, childhood started suffering. We all started getting glued to our gadgets. Our kids picked up on that as well. Plus, our daily routine got so hectic that we completely forgot the most important aspect of childhood – the playground. In this article, we shall speak about the many benefits of outdoor play in a bid to encourage you only to rent/buy homes in apartment complexes that have playgrounds. Let’s begin. Physical & Mental Benefits * A reduced risk of myopia, or nearsightedness; * Greater exposure to bright light, which enhances health and mental performance; * Increased activity levels, and greater freedom to run, jump, and climb; * Opportunities for hands-on learning about physical forces and concepts; * Reduced stress levels, better moods, and improved concentration; * More naturally-attuned sleep rhythms; and * Enhanced opportunities to learn social skills, overcome fears, and develop a lifelong connection with nature. The Cognitive Benefits of Playgrounds Outdoor play and brain development are so closely tied together. Educational pieces such as storytelling chairs, insect inspection stations and activity panels are well-placed to encourage outdoor learning. They also encourage a social atmosphere where children can learn patience, learn to share and learn to observe those around them. These Skills Carry Over to Real Life. All of these skills, when practiced and encouraged, will be used in the classroom and in real life situations. There is a direct correlation between play and academic achievement as an active child develops the necessary skills to learn better in a classroom environment. To sum it up, the correlation between outdoor play and brain development is vast. Outdoor play in the woods, forests or on outdoor play equipment has multiple benefits for kids which far outweigh the potential bumps and bruise risks – and even those are often mitigated with natural rubber flooring. So, let your kids take a trip into the green and onto the playground slide and swing to experience the creativity, social atmosphere and physical benefits of playing in the great outdoors. In no time, you’ll see the benefits for yourself.
jan 17, 2022 at 10:43 am
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jan 17, 2022 at 10:43 am
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tem incid idunt ut dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim ven iam quis nostrud
jan 17, 2022 at 10:43 am
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tem incid idunt ut dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim ven iam quis nostrud
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